Events at Anchor Barrow

2nd, 3rd and 4th May
Folk and Country Event

Anchor Barrow Campsite is hosting a Folk and Country Event this May Bank Holiday. Come and camp at Anchor Barrow and enjoy three evenings of music. Friday night is Folk night, Saturday night is your opportunity to don your cowboy hat and take to the dance floor for a line dancing workshop sandwiched between two incredible country bands. Sunday is slightly more chilled with a Sunday session from a local country band. Each evening will be topped off with a Silent Disco where guests can cut loose. Each evening the Barrow Bar will be open and filled with an array of Cornish draught products and spirits. There will also be delicious themed feast nights for you to enjoy each evening which can be purchased on the night. Anchor Barrow has a huge canopied courtyard and the perfect barn for a barn dance.

Tickets are available for our Folk and Country Event via our website. If you live locally and just wish to join us in the evening Weekend Passes are available via telephone 07949501235. Additional information and finalised menus will be available on our Website and Facebook Page closer to the event. The themes for the feast nights are Mac n Cheese, Texan Bbq and Anchor Barrow’s take on a Sunday Roast.

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